Joss-eh-lime (comments)
Displaying 81 - 100 of 266 comments
eh, things are ok. nothing much is new. i just cant wait for summer.
what about you!?
i got tired of the old one. haha.
i know! you need to be on more often.
life`s ok!
i should be doing homework right now, but im not!
nothing much is new really.
i have to pick my summer classes. im not rly sure which ones to take.
what about you?!
Jocelynnnn !
I was watching cal`s no homo video again.
I missss you!
Yeah, I can;t get my permit and whatever else till july.
Good thing is I can go any day of the week though, stead of having to wait for the weekend.
(Sorry it took so long to respond, I've had NO time whatsoever.)
Yep, I sure do, about a ten minute drive :) I go there whenever the weathers looking good and I have spare time on my hands hah
LOL, yeah i was just on.
haha are you having a hard time with it?
haha, same here.
It really depends on the classes you take, how many you take, and how much time you put into them.
It`s not that bad. Classes are harder in universities and private schools than they are community colleges.a lot of my friends take classes at community colleges instead of their own private schools like in the summer. It varies.
I dont think you`ll have a problem tho. =)
haha, your grades have been slipping from too much cb time?
crap, i should be studying right now, but im not.
hahaha! he`s playing with one?!
thats hilarious. i`d seriously avoid him tho.
haha, when are you getting a new one?
or, are you getting a new one?!
hahaha i know! that commercial is hilarious!
whats wrong with your laptop?
Ahh, lucky!
I can't even go for my permit till July. =/
haha, no cal newman himself. lol
they are really strong pain killers.
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